Métodos Computacionales en Capa Límite

Mario Alberto Storti, Norberto M. Nigro, Lisandro Daniel Dalcín, Rodrigo Rafael Paz, Jorge D'Elía, Ricardo Prado


A pseudo-spectral numerical method for the solution of the incompressible 2D boundary layer equations is presented. A scaling is applied to the normal coordinate but with the innovation that it is based on the computed boundary layer thickness, i.e. not assuming a priori a variation for it. Spectral decay of the expansion coefficients is shown for the similar solution to wedge flows. Also, spectral convergence of the error is shown for the case of a convergent channel (one of the similar "wedge flows"), for which an analytical solution is available. The method pretends to have a good performance also even with very few parameters, so that results with four terms in the Fourier series (it amounts to two independent parameters) are compared with the well known method from von K\`arm\`an and Pohlhausen.

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